Leather Shoes

Leather Shoes Repair

Leather shoes


The main purpose of cleaning leather shoes is to prevent the leather from drying out and to replace the moisture which leather has lost therefore to maintain its shine and suppleness the shoes need to be regularly cleaned and polish.

What We Do :

Cleaning and Restoration
* External Cleaning
* Internal Cleaning
* Colour restoration
* Scratches repair
* Stain removal
* Shoelaces cleaning
* Midsole cleaning

Renovation and Revival
* Shoe and Bag Complete Restoration
* Services Dyeing or Recoloring
* Part Replacement
* Buffing

Cobbler Services
* Leather Repair
* Shoe or boot repair
* Resoling and Protective Soles
* Stretching
* Waterproofing
* Zipper Replacement
* Heel Replacement
* Heel Patches and Stitching
* Sewing & Gluing

Protective Coating and Ozonisation
* Transparent Protective Coating
* Prevents Stains and Dirt
* Ozonization Removes Odour, Bacteria,
* Fungus

Our vision is to provide premium yet affordable services to our consumers.


Sport Shoes

Leather Shoes

Leather Bag


Leather Jacket 






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